Marvel Adventures Vol. 2 Released!


Well, it is finally here, only half a year after I told y’all it was almost done.  I wasn’t too far off, was I?  The sad truth is that this mod has languished almost entirely finished on my hard drive since the end of the summer, with very little left to do.  Unfortunately, a PhD is no easy matter, and my work rather swallowed my free time in those intervening months.  Nonetheless, finish it I did at long last, and now y’all can explore all the awesome new content that I’ve stuffed into this release!

Welcome to Marvel Adventures Vol. 2! 

This update massively expands both the hero and villain rosters of the original release, adding in tons and tons of characters, including almost every major player that didn’t make the cut the first time, as well as a great variety of lesser characters.  It includes everyone from Spider-Man, Hulk, and Galactus to the various venomous members of the Serpent Society, and just about everyone in between!  Even the illustrious Squadron Supreme put in an appearance in the intro to the next Avengers campaign!

The final total for the mod is somewhere around THREE HUNDRED characters!

That’s right, this expansion is just crammed full of content!  It features three brand new campaigns and several expansions for the originals!  As I mentioned in my previous teaser, the X-Men benefit from a whole new story-arc that takes them from the familiar confines of the X-Mansion to the distant stars of the Shi’ar homeworld! (Plus, a short spin-off campaign featuring solo stories!)

The Fantastic Four get in on the expansion fun, completing their original campaign arc with the reveal of the dastardly Dr. Doom’s malevolent machinations and a world-threatening brawl between alien tyrants right in the heart of downtown New York!

This expansion adds a host of tweaks, fixes, and improvements to everything that came before, as well as generally expanding its boundaries in every direction.  I hope that you can all enjoy this love letter to Marvel comics as much as I enjoyed making it!

And I want to take another opportunity to boast about the incredible, exclusive, and ridiculously beautiful new skins by super-star skinner Afghan Ant!

Check out the Marvel Adventures album HERE!

So, is that enough to sell you on this little project?  If so, great:

Download Marvel Adventures Vol. 2 Now!

I left an important note of thanks out of the readme, so you can get an updated version here.

Be sure to delete any previous installations. 

You can set your data path to whatever you like, but the installer includes a number of .exes that are set to work with the Steam installation.  I’m afraid they won’t be of much use for folks with other paths, but they’re a nice little bonus feature for the rest of you.  They’ll allow you to launch the individual campaigns without having to do any file editing!  Speaking of those campaigns…

New and Expanded Campaigns:

  • X-Men (major expansion)
  • X-Men 2 (, mini-campaign telling solo stories)
  • Avengers (small expansion)
  • Fantastic Four (major expansion completing their arc)
  • Spider-Man and the Marvel Knights (big, brand new adventure!)
  • SHIELD (mini-campaign)

Have fun folk, and make yours Marvel!

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