Where There’s Life, There’s Hope


As John Carter of Mars would always say, “where there’s life, there’s hope!” – and that’s a mantra I am repeating to myself often these days!  Howdy folks!  I have not fallen off the face of the Earth, nor have I given up on either my blog or my mods, so don’t worry.  This isn’t a post announcing me closing shop or anything.  However, I am in the final stretch of my PhD program and am banging away night and day on a black hole of a dissertation that threatens to consume me.  I’m afraid that I’ve had to put pretty much every other part of my life on hold, including my hobbies, in order to try to get this thing finished in time to graduate. Thank you all for your patience!  I hope to be able to get back to posting and modding sometime this summer.  If any of y’all are folks who pray, I certainly wouldn’t mind some prayers as I race for the finish line!

World Tour


Howdy folks!  I know it has been quite a while since my last post, and I’m sorry to say, but it will be a little while before my next one too.  You see, I have until just recently been on a month long trip with Lady Grey.  We both got accepted to present at conferences in Europe this summer, and we decided to make the most of the opportunity that created.  So, we have been backpacking around the continent, seeing sights, having adventures, and dealing with the insanely narrow roads that Europeans seem to think are completely normal and acceptable!  Yet, I was not idle before I left.  I was hard at work on a project, a very old project, which I had always planned to revisit.  I won’t say too much now, but I got a ton done and have a lot more planned.  I am hoping, though who knows if it will prove reasonable, to have this little project released somewhere around the end of the summer.  We’ll see.  I’ve actually been working on it while I’ve been traveling as well, doing some plotting and brainstorming while waiting for the odd plane or train.  I’ve just gotten home and am in recovery mode, so look for more information in the weeks to come, as well as the continuation of my Into the Bronze Age feature!  Until then, keep the Heroic Ideal alive, and keep us hard traveling head-cases in your prayers!

Welcome to the New Year!


A belated “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year,” or whatever greetings y’all would prefer, to all of you, my dear readers!  I hope y’all had a great holiday season and enjoyed time with family and friends.  Lady Grey and I undertook our yearly pilgrimage to the original Grey Manor on the Coast and saw my family.  We survived the experience and the trip and have been back at home enjoying the end of our vacation before the semester begins.  We’ve also been doing what academics must always do, squeezing in prep work with our relaxation.  Nonetheless, I’ve been taking a break from Bronze Age posts as well, but I’ll be back with a new one before too long.  Thanks to all of you who have been following my voyage through these classic comics, and I hope you’ll enjoy another year of my explorations!  And thanks for your patience as well!  I hope to hear from all of y’all with your insights and additions to my own efforts!

For those of you following my mod work, I have several things in various stages of completion, but time to work on them is a rare luxury these days.  Hopefully your patience will be rewarded as well this year!

May 2018 be a great year for us all!